Why do we give?

In Matthew’s account of the gospel, Jesus teaches His followers that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Said differently, we are devoted to what we value. When Christ is our treasure, we will be devoted to Him. There is a beautiful pattern in the life of a Christ-follower: the more we are devoted to Jesus, the more of ourselves we freely give to Him. And then, as we give more of ourselves to Him, we come to treasure Him all the more.

We give of our resources, our time, and our finances as an outpouring of this devotion. To give, generously and sacrificially, is an act of worship through which we express our commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church.

Ways to give

How gifts are used


Your gifts allow ministry to happen at The Chapel in Green. From Sunday morning programming for kids, to discipleship opportunities for teens and adults, to the work of Care Ministry as we help families navigate grief and loss, and much more, we couldn’t do any of what we do without your support.


Your generosity allows us to share the love of Jesus and spread the good news of the Gospel through our community and across the world through local and global outreach initiatives. You help us send kids to Camp Carl, provide for needy families, and plant churches overseas.

Church needs

Financial gifts also help us maintain our building and grounds, cover the costs of utility bills, and pay our staff team. These costs of operating a ministry are easily overlooked, but we are grateful for the ways that the Lord has provided through our church family.

We'd love to help!

If you'd like to request personalized giving envelopes, have questions regarding your accounts, would like help setting up reoccurring gifts, or anything else pertaining to finances, we'd love to do what we can to point you in the right direction! Reach out to our Finance Department at finance@tcig.org or 330.315.5500.

The Chapel in Green is committed to the highest levels of financial integrity. The Chapel in Green is a 501(C)(3) Religious Organization registered in the state of Ohio. In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, The Chapel in Green maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds. All donations are non-refundable once a tax-deductible receipt is issued. Gift designation may occasionally be possible; when it is not possible, gifts will be reallocated to our general fund. Therefore, donors explicitly release The Chapel in Green from any restrictions on how funds are spent. No goods or services will be provided in return for any contribution.