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Sunday, July 28

Misguided, Yet Redeemed

Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd

Acts 9:1-22 (John 10:1-5, 10-11, 14-16; Psalm 23; Isaiah 53:6)

Convinced of his own beliefs

Acts 9:1-2

From within

From authorities

From others

Confronted with the Truth

Acts 9:3-6

  • Jesus meets him on the road
  • Shocked!
  • Hears the voice of Jesus

Called to Obedience

Acts 9:7-15

  • Both Saul and Ananias
  • Ananias knows the voice of God... and listens

Confident in Christ

Acts 9:16-22

  • Saul immediately begins to tell others about Jesus
  • Those who knew Saul were confused and amazed
  • From misguided to kingdom worker

A message from Pastor Adam

In our lives we hear a lot of different voices. Many come from external places: family members, cultural expectations, social media, influencers. Along with that, we also hear our own voice with our desires and hopes and ideas mixed in. With all these voices we hear so often, how are we able to discern the voice of Jesus, who calls himself the Good Shepherd, as we make our way through life? John 10:3 says “...the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” This week we look at Saul (also known as Paul) and how he was misguided by listening to all the wrong voices, and yet was redeemed by Jesus to play an important role in the early Church.