Church membership is a formal commitment (covenant) that you belong to and are part of a local functioning group of believers in Jesus Christ that seek to forward His will and His Kingdom.
We want to be a community of Christ-followers who are known for our deep love for God and people and for our commitment to helping one another become more like Jesus. If that's something you want to be a part of, becoming a member of The Chapel in Green might be the right next step for you!

The membership process
Our Membership Class is the first step we have you take in the process of becoming a member at The Chapel in Green, and we typically offer these classes a few times a year. They walk you through our beliefs and theology, our governing documents (constitution and by-laws), our leadership structures, and anything else you should understand as a member of our local church.
The next series of membership classes will begin on March 16. Keep an eye on our Events page for more information!

What are the qualifications for membership at The Chapel in Green?
Someone who has joined the faith
You must be a believer in Jesus Christ, born of God (John 1:12-13) – this makes you part of God’s universal Church. A local church (like The Chapel in Green) can have many attenders that are not believers, meaning they don’t yet belong to Christ’s universal Church. However, to be part of the local church in a covenant agreement, you must first be part of His Church, part of His Body of believers as a Christian.
Someone who has joined the church
If you want to commit to a local church, naturally you should belong to that local church in a formal way. For us, this involves understanding some of our distinctives at The Chapel in Green and promising (covenanting) to be a functioning, contributing, submissive part of the whole, for the good of the whole Body, for the good of Christ.
Someone who has been baptized
We require all those who seek membership at The Chapel in Green to have been baptized as a believer (or to be in the process of being baptized soon), because baptism is something we as believers are all commanded to do by Jesus. We hold water baptism to be the primary public, symbolic identification of one’s spiritual baptism, which is life in Christ, that is, salvation.
I already regularly attend The Chapel in Green. Why should I become a member?
Becoming a member of a local church is the opportunity to step forward in a way that states, “I belong and I want to belong” to what God is doing through this body of believers in Jesus. He made us to be part of one another, connected to build each other up as we make Him known. Therefore, membership is the opportunity to identify and be known as one who serves and cares for others who are united in moving God’s Kingdom forward.
Do I have certain obligations and responsibilities as an official member?
Yes! Membership comes with the privilege and expectation of supporting The Chapel in Green with love, prayer, time, and finances, all according to how God leads. A Membership Covenant is stated in the Constitution (Article V), which presents some foundational theology, along with the expectation of living a life worthy of a believer in Jesus Christ. A Member of The Chapel in Green also has the privilege and responsibility to annually approve the church’s budget by vote, and elect those who lead (Oversight Elders) and serve as Care Deacons. These privileges are all explained in Article I of The Chapel in Green Bylaws.
I was baptized when I was younger. Do I need to do it again in order to become a member?
The answer depends upon your personal relationship with Jesus Christ when you were first baptized. The Chapel in Green holds to a "believer’s baptism," which means that we believe that baptism is a symbolic act that demonstrates personal faith in Jesus Christ. It is a public symbol of being buried with Him in His death (under the water) and being raised with Him in new life (out of the water). Baptism is not part of your salvation in Jesus, rather, it is a serious response to it. So, if you were an infant or were unsure of your salvation in Jesus, or if you were not a true believer in Jesus when you were baptized, then you should be baptized, as a believer, for the first time. Baptism is a personal, mature response to living faith in Jesus Christ.
If you're unsure where you may fall in all of that or if you'd like to talk your questions through with someone, don't hesitate to reach out to speak with a pastor or a Care Deacon, and we would be glad to help clarify and counsel you in this matter!
Learn more about our baptism process here.