Local Outreach
Jesus says that our love will be what identifies us as His followers (John 13:35). As we seek to live our lives for God, we desire to be known for the way we show love to those in our city.
We can share the love of Jesus with our neighbors by meeting them where they are. Sometimes this means meeting basic needs, like collecting food donations to feed needy families or gathering school supplies to benefit students at nearby schools. Other times, it means identifying ways to enrich our neighbors’ lives, such as tutoring programs or community dinners. And other times still it means opening the doors to our building to promote connection and community through special events. The common heartbeat through it all is a desire to reach people with the love of Jesus, that they, too, might choose to follow Him.
Seasonal Projects
We have certain special projects that repeat every year. Our Easter Basket Outreach happens during the spring, and we collect candy and toy donations to fill Easter baskets for local children. We collect school supplies during the summer for our Backpack Outreach, which we use to fill backpacks for children in need in local school districts. Collections for our Giving Tree happen during the weeks leading up to the Christmas season, and all the collected items are given to the Pregnancy & Parenting Center and Eva Women’s Clinic to be given to local families. To stay up to date on each of these opportunities, keep an eye on our Events page throughout the year!

Food Drives & Pantries
We collect food year-round for Green Good Neighbors and Lake Township Fish, two local food pantries that service our surrounding community. Drop-off carts for donated food items are located near Doors A, B, and D on our campus.
We also support the Green Local School District with their Blessings in a Backpack food program, and we participate in the spring and fall food drives hosted by the City of Green as well. In February, we have our Souperbowl Sunday drive, an event that stocks the shelves of Lake Township Fish for the winter months. To stay up to date on each of these opportunities, keep an eye on our Events page throughout the year!

First Responders
Throughout the year, we deliver meals, treats, and handwritten notes of appreciation to the various first-responder stations throughout the city of Green as a way to honor and celebrate the work of these individuals. If you'd like to get involved, reach out to Kali and Vicki at kali.brandon@tcig.org and vicki.caswell@tcig.org.

Piecemaking Quilting
This group of quilters meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 9:30am–11:30am in Rm. 102 to create quilts for Angel Tree, Cornerstone Hospice, Gentle Brook Assisted Living, Green Valley Nursing Home, and more! If you'd like to get involved, reach out to Bethany at bethany.cyphert@tcig.org.